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Landslide susceptibility and water balance in the soil, in the community of Lagoa Encantada, Recife Metropolitan Area, Brazil, were assessed using the computational models SINMAP and HYDRUS-1D. The SINMAP input parameters were the physical and hydrodynamic characteristics of the soil, evidence o...

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This work presents a geological-geotechnical risk map of gravitational mass movements and a susceptibility map to shallow translational slides to Vila Nova community, located in the municipality of Colombo, Brazil. The first map was created through a qualitative mapping methodology and the second one was elaborated using a deterministic method of slope ...

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The destabilizing effect of groundwater is one of the major causes for landslides, which represent a major hazard to human life and the environment. Groundwater lowering is of ten the most efficient way to stabilize large unstable ground masses. Among groundwater lowering measures, drainage tunnels have several advantages, although construction costs may be prop...
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Mass movements are one of the main causes of loss of people and environmental assets. Several factors contribute to mass movements, such as terrain morphology, rainfall regime, soil properties, land use and occupation. Studies showed that in the Northeast region of Brazil, between the years of 1991 and 2012, 38 events related to mass movements were reco...

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