Volume 43, N. 4

October-December 2020

Geostatistical data analysis of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) conducted in Maringá-Brazil and correlations with geomorphology


Volume 43, N. 4, October-December 2020 | DOWNLOAD PDF (119 downloads)


 The Standard Penetration Test (SPT), widely used in Brazil, provides reference data to geotechnical projects. The data obtained are punctual and often dispersed due to its execution, that is, there is no concern in gathering and analyzing such information jointly for a specific region. In addition to the wide dispersion of these data, due to their anisotropic nature, classical statistics may not be the best approach for data with spatial variability. In this way, the application of methods that use spatial analysis, especially Geostatistics, become essential in the mapping of geotechnical variables. Therefore, this study proposes to gather, organize, and analyze data originated from SPT conducted in the municipality of Maringá, Brazil, applying the ordinary kriging geostatistical technique to identify correlations with the Geomorphology of the studied region. To achieve the proposed objectives, we selected 109 boreholes distributed in the municipality of Maringá, between the years of 2011 to 2015, and treated them using the ArcGis geostatistical analysis software. It was noticed a relationship between the thickness of the subsoil layers considering the position and slope form, reflecting on the depth to bedrock and, consequently, on the resistance of the layers associated with N-value of the SPT.

Keywords: Geomorphology, Geostatistical analysis, Geotechnical mapping, Impenetrable layer, SPT,

Submitted on April 10, 2020.
Final Acceptance on June 16, 2020.
Discussion open until March 31, 2021.
DOI: 10.28927/SR.434619